
Review of the Raw Match Deal for May 20, 2019 – The John Report

Let’s Listen to Brock Lesnar.nonetheless, Paul Heyman

Heyman claimed to be the supporter of Brock Lesnar, the “Beast in the Bank,” Mr. Cash in the Bank. Brock grinned broadly and laughed heartily. Heyman discussed how they witnessed Sami Zayn enter Money and the Bank last week and how someone had a rear entrance into the Hartford XL Centre. Heyman claimed that Lesnar was able to become the eighth and final man for the Ballpark in the Banks ladder competition because he somehow defeated Sami Zayn and someone with the appropriate connections made it possible. That was an elaborate conspiracy theory, according to Heyman.

Analysis: Heyman provided the narrative justification for Lesnar’s inclusion in the Blood in the Bank match, stating that he defeated Zayn and assumed his position.

The bad news, according to Heyman, is that Lesnar opposes you. Heyman said on Seth Rollins that He may turn in that Cash in a Bank contract at any time.

With a smile on his face and the Universal Championship slung around his waist, Seth Rollins made his arrival. Lesnar threw up the Blood in the Bank purse in front of Rollins as soon as he entered the ring.

Rollins claimed to have defeated AJ Styles at Gringo in the Banking, but he’s not feeling well as a result of this.Lesnar with a briefcase from MITB. According to Rollins, he was there to serve as an inspiration to others and to embody something other than what Lesnar was—a fighting champion. After discussing how he defeated Lesnar to win the Wrestling Universe Title at WrestleMania, Rollins issued a challenge to Lesnar to a contest immediately. Heyman disagreed with the concept, despite the fans’ “yes” chants.

Heyman stated that Rollins would have to wait until Brock thinks like cash in the Monster in the Bank contract since this is Lesnar’s game of anticipation. The crowd jeered that. Rollins should be accustomed to waiting around, according to Heyman, who noted that Rollins waited for his girlfriend, Becky Lynch, to headline the programme at WrestleMania for over seven hours. Though he didn’t mention Becky by name, that’s exactly he meant.

Heyman spoke up again, so even though Rollins got in Lesnar’s face and they engaged in a staredown, nothing physical transpired. Heyman suggested that Brock might be interested in taking on Kingston, a member of the New Day’s in a rematch.

Wearing the WWE Belt around his waist, Kingston made his grand entrance. Wild Card, said Kingston. Although Kingston claimed he didn’t want to take away from Seth’s shine, he is working to make a name for himself as the WWE Champion and hopes to go down as one of the greatest ever. Kingston declared that he wished to compete against the greatest to defend that title. Although Brock was complimented by Kingston for being the Money Man in the Bank, Kingston wanted Lesnar to profit from Brock if he was going to cash in on that contract here tonight.

According to Heyman, Kofi and Seth are trying out for a match against Brock Lesnar. Reminding people that Lesnar will be around all night, Heyman said he had inside information that Seth with Kofi are not done for the night.

Rollins and Kingston stayed in the ring, as Lesnar and Heyman exited.

Analysis: In terms of piqueing viewers’ curiosity in what’s to come, the opening piece was effective. Though it’s a wise move to hint at something later in the evening, I did not anticipate a Money in Bank cash-in there. Even if the fans despise Lesnar and Heyman, their presence benefits Raw because Lesnar is undoubtedly a very powerful star. It was audible at Money at the Bank.

Mick Foley was seen carrying the newly announced title as he arrived backstage. The title was invisible to us. Curt Hawkins, who Zack Ryder, Titus O’Neil, Dana Brooke, and Drake Maverick welcomed Foley. Later on, Foley will be on.

Bobby threatened to back out. Zayn stepped forward. Backstage.

They approached Triple H, who informed them that they would be competing against Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin in the main event.

Brault To a boisterous cheer, Strowman makes his arrival. Cole has predicted that the match will be similar to WrestleMania. Before Strowman could reach him, Zayn took off running. Backstage, Strowman could be seen pursuing Zayn. They approached Bobby Lashley, whom was backstage, but despite Zayn’s wishes, Lashley did not take any action against Strowman.

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